© 2007 Stephan Schwarze  



For a more detailed resume, please send me an email:

Personal Information


Stephan Schwarze

Date of Birth

01 August 1967

Place of Birth

Göttingen, Germany


Dual: German & American

Marital Status



1905 Overland Hills Circle
Austin, TX 78746, USA


 +1 530 689 5812


 +1 509 278 0660


Professional Information

08/05 - today

Radiant RFID, LLC, Austin, Texas, USA
CTO & Co-Founder
RFID Solutions and Integration Provider

02/02 - 06/04

CognITri, LLC, Austin, Texas, USA
Software Consulting for Knowledge Systems and Business Intelligence
Multisport Coaching

10/96 - 06/05

Trilogy Software Inc., Austin, Texas, USA
Consulting Management, Account Management, Project Management, Product Management, Team Lead and Technical Consulting on various Fortune 500 eBusiness deployments with the following customers:
Hewlett-Packard, San Jose, CA
EMC, Hopkinton, MA
Boeing, Seattle, WA
Sillicon Graphics, San Jose, CA
Sun Microsystems, San Jose, CA

02/93 - 07/96

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zurich, Switzerland
Research and Teaching Assistant for Business Computer Science
Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management (BWI)


06/95 - 09/95

Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt, Germany
Development of a Credit Allocation System

03/95 - 05/96

ABB Power Systems, Baden, Switzerland
Product Model Design for SAP/R3 Implementation

Educational and Academic Information

05/03 - 04/06

Adjunct Professor at St. Edwards University
for "Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management" at the Graduate School of Management


PhD Degree (Doctor of Technical Sciences)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Swizterland
Subject: "Configuration of Multiple-Variant Products"

02/93 - 03/96

PhD Research at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management, ETH Zurich; Participation in international projects in Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Switerland


Degree Diplom-Informatiker, Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany
(equivalent to Masters in Computer Science)

01/92 - 08/92

Study Stay in New Zealand for Diploma Thesis
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Subject: "Rule-Based Generalization of Robot Traces"

10/87 - 10/92

Study Computer Science at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Subsidiary Subject: Science of Industrial Management.

Military Information

07/86 - 09/87

Elementary Military Service in Supply Company in Hannover and in Braunschweig, Germany

Other Information


German (native language)
English (fluently)
Spanish (basic conversational skills)
French (basic conversational skills)


Triathlon, Running, Skiing, Diving
1990-1992 Chairman of Triathlon Group, University of Karlsruhe
1989-1991 Swimming and Running Instructor for Triathlon Club
[Separate race resume upon request]


Photography, Traveling